Hexie quotes
The project that never finishes ... turned into something nice (until it becomes an actual quilt one day, right?)!
Many quilters want to make at least one hexie quilt in their life. And so do I. So I started the project in 2018 by printing out a template I found on the interwebs many times on sturdy paper and cutting out all the hexagon shapes. My kids helped cutting some of the shapes which was cute thing to see them do.
Then I dug deep into my stash and scrap boxes for my favorite colors, cut out these fabrics eyeballing the quarter inch seam allowance. I like pinning. And I like my needles. So I put one needle to hold paper and fabric together. Then folded the fabric around the papers and fixed them with a hemming stitch. Six petals for each flower and one contrasting fabric for the centre. Then whip stitching them into flowers. Making sure I make knots at the end of the sew line. (And still the seams opened on some, ugh)
I enjoyed stitching them! Sitting and stitching in a nice frequent motion is one of my favorite things to do and it makes me happy!
This is what the beautiful flowers look like all together laid out on the floor in my living room. So fun! Later I flipped them around and numbered them by rows.
Now that I had seen the end result, I could not wait to put the rows together. And this was trickier than I thought it would be. When putting the hexies together it is easy to sew then together in a wrong angle. And this happened to me several times. And after working on this quilt for a few weeks in a row I had to stop and put it aside. Now I have about three rows together which I keep on a trousers hanger in my big linen cupboard from the old days and then there is this beautiful pile of hexagon flowers on the shelf.
So a few weeks later, inspired by Bonnie K. Hunter (which I adore for her piecing skills and the positivity she brings into the world, to only name a few) I photographed the hexie flowers in my (back then new) light frame and put quotes on them to brighten up peoples lives who follow me on Instagram.
And so the Hashtag Hexiequotes was invented.
Do you also have a pile of hexagons sitting somewhere on your shelfs or in a UFO-box? Yes, I hear you! I will let you know when I get back to my flower quilt. Until then, there may be some #hexiequotes coming your way.
A week before I this happened I had felt like joining the www.kunstfreunde-wetter.de a little group of artists who organize themselves in a registered society. It felt a bit like being part of some Midsomer Murders episode to be honest and this might have been something I actually enjoyed. Nobody was murdered though!
I e-mailed two members of the club that I wanted to join, payed the yearly fee and a few days later I held the key to their exhibition housy in my hand. I was very lucky that for the next four weeks there was no other artist booked to exhibit anything in the little house.
After one of the club founders showed me the house (like where the power switch was and which kind of equipment I could use too) my brain started working and I wanted to get started!
In one day I put together what I wanted to show. It was really easy to do so actually and I kinda felt that I had trained for this opportunity my whole life :-) If you follow me on Instagram you know this. (If not please feel free to do so: www.instagram.com/whitetimbercottage)
So this afternoon in January I went shopping for design elements in my house. I grabbed the old willow chair I got from my mum, my favorite laundry basket, some big fabrics to fake the white brick wall and of course quilts, quilt tops, little wall hangings, notions and books.
We put the goods in our cars, thankfully Stefan has a van, and drove downtown twice. Then I set up the small house like a room in our house. A space where I could imagine to sit and sew.
A highlight for me was the fake cat I put on the old armchair. It looked so real that we feared some animal friends could break into the glass to free it, hehe.
The whole set up looked so pretty to me. I felt like moving in almost :-)
The hard part, at the end of this day, was to leave all my treasures in this house unattended. My heart ached actually. But I also wanted to share and show them so it had to be. And showing and sharing what I created was the fun part.
Here are some photos of the exhibition house:
A lot of people talked to me about the exhibition and we had some nice chats about the patterns, fabrics, the web and its impact on the crafting community. Some people shared what kind of crafts they do and we agreed that creating is a nice thing to engage in.
There was also a little tiny article in our local newspaper.
Showing the peeps here in town what I do was a nice experience. But, actually, afterwards I was glad all my treasures were back where they belong.
There will be a craft and art exhibition here in town in autumn - maybe. I might participate and take some huge and small works with me. Currently I am preparing to participate and while I always work on big projects this time I also craft a few small things people might want to take as give aways are pieces of art.
We will see :-)
I shared my journey with my version of the quilt on https://www.instagram.com/whitetimbercottage/